
"This Week with Barry" is comic strip created for "The Daily Texan" college newspaper at the University of Texas in Austin.  I am currently a 3rd year computer science major at UT.  The first strips started running in the fall of 2003 after a friendly wager between a friend and I.  He bet I couldn't make a comic with a wheelbarrow as the main character.  Three semesters later, "This Week with Barry" is still going strong, with plenty of wheelbarrow humor to spare.  The only things slowing the strip down now are classes, unpaid internships, and death threats from the editor.  The strips in web rotation now are strips I did over this past summer semester.  Once I get some time, I'll try to include the classics in there as well.  If you like the strip, or have some comments, feel free to drop me a line via the "contact" page.  Thanks, and keep on reading "TWWB"...
